- From 1979-1999 all mobile working with the help of embeded system.
- In the year of 1993, first smartphone os is released with the name called IBM siemen.
- In the year of 1996, Microsoft released Windows CE OS for mobiles.
- In the year of 1999, Nokia introduced S40 OS for their own products.
- In the year of 2000, symbian OS is introduced in the market with 2G technology.
- In the year of 2001, enhachment of palm OS is introduced.
- In the year of 2002, BlackBerry introduced their own OS.
- In the year of 2005, Nokia realesed “Maemo OS”.
- In the year of 2007, Apple corporation release their own os called iOS with 3G features.
- In the year of 2008, google introduced Android OS.
- In the year of 2009, Samsung introduced BADA OS.
- In the year of 2010, Microsoft Introduced windows OS for windows mobile.
- In the year of 2012, Mozila corporation introduced firefox OS for Mobile.
- In the year of 2013, BlackBerry released RIM(Research In Motion) OS.
- Common Operating system for Mobile. 1)Android from google, It’s a free and open source. 2)BADA from samsung its a own OS for Samsung Mobile. It’s a close source. 2)Symbain from Nokia, it’s an open licensed source. 4)Windows phone from Microsoft, it’s a closed source. 5)BlackBerry from QNX software, it’s a closed source. 6)Brew from Qualcomm, it’s a closed source. 7)Windows 8 from Microsoft, closed Source.