Datatype supports in Sqlite !!!

SQLite support only five concrete datatypes.i.e NULL,Integer,Float,Text,BLOB.

1) NULL – A NULL is considered its own distinct type. A NULL type does not hold a value. Literal NULLs are represented by the keyword NULL.

2)Integer – size is 8 bytes. range -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372, 036,854,775,807,(19 digits)

3)Float – A floating-point number, stored as an 8-byte value in the processor’s native format. For nearly all modern processors, this is an IEEE 754 double-precision number. Literal floating-point numbers are represented by any bare series of numeric digits that include a decimal point or exponent.

4)Text -A variable-length string, stored using the database encoding (UTF-8, UTF-16BE, or UTF-16LE). Literal text values are represented using character strings in single quotes.

5)BLOB – A length of raw bytes, copied exactly as provided. Literal BLOBs are represented as hexadecimal text strings preceded by an x. For example, the notation x’1234ABCD’ represents a 4-byte BLOB. BLOB stands for Binary Large OBject.

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