Android Studio Plugin that Makes it Most Useful

What are plugins in Android Studio?

Android Studio Plugin : A plugin is a feature-specific component added to a program such as an IDE (in this case Android Studio). A plugin is usually designed to augment some specific features that a program did not originally come with. This helps in increasing the developer’s efficiency.

Where can I find plugins in Android Studio?

  • Basically, the steps are as follows:
  • Run Android Studio.
  • From the menu bar, select Android Studio > Preferences.
  • Under IDE Settings, click Plugins and then click Install plugin from disk.
  • Navigate to the folder where you downloaded the plugin and double-click it.
  • Restart Android Studio.

What you can do with Android Studio?

Android Studio provides a unified environment where you can build apps for Android phones, tablets, Android Wear, Android TV, and Android Auto. Structured code modules allow you to divide your project into units of functionality that you can independently build, test, and debug.

Key promoter

A plugin that will help you to use a keyboard more often.

String Manipulation

A plugin that provides actions for text manipulation (e.g. toggling styles like camelCase, hyphen-lowercase, etc., capitalize text, and many more).

Android Material Design Icon Generator

This plugin helps you to set Material Design icons for your Android project. After installation, you can use a shortcut: cmd + shift + m to generate an icon (by default).


A simple plugin that allows one-click creation of Butterknife view injections.

IntelliJ/Android Studio Plugin for Android Parcelable boilerplate code generation

A plugin that generates an Android Parcelable implementation based on fields in the class.

ADB Idea

A plugin that helps and automates ADB commands to: uninstall, kill, start, restart, clear an application and clear the application data and restart it.

Genymotion plugin

This plugin allows you to create and start Genymotion virtual devices from Android Studio.

Android Methods Count

a plugin that parses your Android library dependencies and shows the methods count as a handy hint.

Git Flow Integration

a plugin for introducing a Git Flow branching model.

Builder plugin

a plugin (from Square) that generates a static nested Builder for a class.

CPU Usage Indicator

This simple UI plugin is handier than one might initially think. As your code and app get more complex to compile and run, this will take a toll on your CPU. One of the most useful things about CPU Usage Indicator is the ability to generates a thread dump to show you what it is the IDE might be doing in the background to clog up the CPU.

Android Drawable Importer

Every Android project contains a drawable folder. If you’ve been blessed with a designer from heaven who provides the assets already in the correct folder with the correct naming, we’re jealous. Odds are, you’re not that blessed and have already found yourself manually renaming and moving the PNG files to the correct folders.

Unless you find this activity to have therapeutic value, Android Drawable Importer is the plugin that is going to save you a ton of time. It lets you import single assets to be adjusted for necessary sizes and resolutions, whole zip files to sort automatically to their folders, and batch-processing of multiple assets to integrate smoothly into the project.

Vector Drawable Thumbnails

To preview a vector drawable XML file you would normally need to build your app. To save you the trouble, Vector Drawable Thumbnails displays all Android vector drawable in the entire project with one click.


Similar to Sublime or Xcode, this plugin embeds a code minimap in your editor. The scrollbar gets a little bigger too. Codeglance previews your file’s code pattern, letting you quickly navigate to the desired section.

Name That Color

While coding is often called an art, not all developers are great at naming colors, especially the different shades. In such cases, mysterious names such as red1, blue_lighter, or red2, enter your codebase.


bundletool is the underlying tool that Gradle, Android Studio, and Google Play use to build an Android App Bundle or convert an app bundle into the various APKs that are deployed to devices. This tool by Google is a must-have for more efficient APK packages.

Android Input

Android Input is a fairly simple but useful Android Studio plugin that allows to easily type text directly into your Android device or emulator. It remembers the last used device and last text entered.

Rainbow Brackets

Nested brackets and parentheses can be a pain for programmers, especially when something goes missing. They can be a real headache in code reviews. This plugin adds lovely rainbow colors to your code for round, square, and curly braces. For developers just starting out, or for those who find themselves stuck in large blocks of code, it’s a savior.


SQLDelight is a well-known Kotlin multiplatform database library. It generates Kotlin APIs from SQL, taking care of creating the database from the schema itself.

ADB Wifi

This plugin simplifies connecting the device to the ADB through WiFi for debugging. Like many other small but handy plugins, this one is simply a shortcut to a series of commands you can execute in the command line.

JSON To Kotlin Class

  • Converting JSON String into Kotlin data classes is a lot faster with this plugin. Additionally, it supports:
  • A range of JSON library annotations — Gson, Jackson, Fastjson, Moshi, LoganSquare and more
  • Initializing properties with default values and allowing them to be nullable.
  • Renaming property names to be camelCase style and generating classes as inner or individual classes.
  • Loading JSON From Local File/Http URL provided the JSON string is valid.


Codota is an AI-based code completion plugin that uses machine learning to suggest code completions from millions of code snippets (Java, Javascript, Python, etc.) based on your context. It also lets you directly embed common code snippets, to boost your development skills and reduce the chances of errors.

Gradle Killer

Often you regret starting a Gradle build or just wish to shut it down immediately. You could run the ps command or look around for Java.exe in the task manager, but that would be cumbersome. Now, to the delight of developers everywhere, we have a plugin that adds a Kill Gradle icon to the run menu of your Android Studio. To reclaim your RAM, all you have to do is click it!

Kotlin Fill Class

There’s often a need to quickly create a Kotlin class with default properties. This IntelliJ plugin is just for that. It provides you with intent actions for empty constructors and functions, letting you initialize your arguments fast.

Clear Cache Plugin

Typically, when a developer needs to remove cache, they have to traverse the .gradle directory. That’s time-consuming. You could create a Gradle script to accelerate this process, but why reinvent the wheel?

FCM Push Sender

By setting the Firebase Registration ID, we can directly send push notifications from Android studio using this plugin. The plugin also has the ability to automatically search the Firebase Registration ID token in-app shared preferences using a Stetho dumpapp plugin.

Happy APP Coding 🙂

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