In Most of the time we write lots of code to implement a or some functionality(Like Networking,feedback,parsing etc).strangely the same functionality is available on the free of cost on various source of repositories. we need to consume them in our application in a custom way.
Even in my most of the applications i used third party libraries. But adding third party libraries is not a easy task .you will Face few to more errors if you are not taking care of it.
In this article i am mentioning few lines of code which will help you.
-copy ThirdPartyLibrary folder from your source to your project dir.
-in xcode right click on any file group and choose add files.
-find ThirdPartyLibrary folder in your folder dir and choose ThirdPartyLibrary.xcodeproj – (dont copy, create groups not folders, add targets).
-go to your project targets – search – HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS add- GMGridView/**
-select Building phases in settings – choose target dependencies and add GMGridView
-select Building phases in settings – link binary libraries and add libGMGridView.a
Check if still there is any error related to frameworks(Like This file not found,etc).Add Reference of the framework into your project.
It still Errors Exist check if its a ARC or NON-ARC file or not, If Non ARC file then add ‘-fno-objc-arc’ in your compiled file list in your projects Target.
You can use the preprocessor to alter your header file using the technique for your NON-ARC files
#if __has_feature(objc_arc)
//ARC-specific things
//Non-ARC specific things
Hope this article will help to reduce the errors.