What is Difference between Storyboard and XIB!

What is Difference between Storyboard and XIB!


  • In simple words Storyboard is one single file for all the views or screens that in yours apps.
  • It transitions one screen to another screen.
  • It minimizes (reduces) the number of files in your apps.
  • Storyboard can put the XIB files.
  • Storyboard is universal; that means your apps can run both iPhone and iPad.
  • In Storyboard you can also used XIB if you need it in Storyboard.
  • Storyboard contains all the controllers, like tool bar, view controller, ant tab bar.
  • Storyboard is good for seeing how the controllers connect to each other.
  • In Storyboard merging the view and controller is very easy.
  • If you don’t want to use Storyboard when creating a new project then you can avoid it by unchecking the Storyboard option.

Disadvantages of Storyboard

  • There are so many disadvantages to using Storyboard that are explained here.
  • Not compatible with pre iOS 5.
  • In my opinion, in Storyboard it is hard to work if the project is too long because every member in a team modifies and updates the file.
  • In Storyboard if you have too many views then Storyboard can be confusing.
  • It is less flexible.
  • In Storyboard you don’t have a file owner.
  • In my opinion Storyboard is a loosely coupled object into a big file.
  • In Storyboard using table cell is better then XIB because it gives more flexibility.
  • In Storyboard it is not easy to handle if you have a large amount of code. It is useful only for a small amount of code.


  • XIB is Mac OS x interface builder. It allows Cocoa Touch and Carbon Touch.
  • In XIB the result is stored as a NIB file.
  • It is the part of X code.
  • In XIB there is no flow of control and transition between the view and controller.
  • In XIB modularity is done in a very nice way.
  • It contains item like buttons, text fields, labels.
  • In XIB it gives you more flexibility, and simplicity in terms of code.

Disadvantage of XIB

  • There are many disadvantages of XIB that are explained here.
  • In XIB if there is any bug in making a connection then it is to hard too debug.
  • In XIB merging is too difficult compared to Storyboard.
  • In XIB if we have a dynamic view then it is hard to read compared to Storyboard.
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