WordPress Shortcodes And Plugins You Might Want To Try
If you are not familiar with shortcodes, a shortcode is a WordPress-specific code that lets you do creative things with scripts and code. Since you won’t have to fill your posts and pages with long ugly codes, they be condensed into just one line of code – a shortcode.
Shortcodes can be inserted manually into your blog theme or via a plugin. The problem is finding one that suits what you want to do on your blog. Fret not, in this post, we’ll showcase 10 WordPress plugins that add shortcode functionality to your blog, along with 10 codes that you can add yourself.
WordPress Plugins
Here are some plugins that allow you to use or custom build shortcodes for use on WordPress. Where relevant, an alternative plugin that does pretty much the same thing is suggested after each plugin.
A simple plugin that adds several useful shortcodes for you to show off your blog’s contents quantitatively. A few of the codes include:
[postcountbr] – displays total number of published blog posts
[catcountbr] – displays total number of categories that contain one or more posts
[tagcountbr] – displays total number of tags that contain one or more posts
[totalwords] – displays total number of words in published posts
[commentcount] – displays the total number of approved comments
[pagecount] – displays the total number of published pages
WordPress Shortcodes
This plugin includes more than 20 WordPress shortcodes and an easy-to-use shortcode editor. You can use it to add cool elements like:
SEO-ready tabs, buttons
author cards
message boxes
smart links
lists, etc to your blog.
You can even combine multiple nested shortcodes to create unique elements like a list of buttons or links.
More: Two similar plugins are J Shortcodes and Arconix Shortcodes – which also have a collection of useful shortcodes for use, e.g. to create content and information boxes, buttons, tabs, accordion panels, toggles and more.
Post Content Shortcodes
This plugin adds two shortcodes:
[post-content] – lets you display the content of a single post or page, within another post or page. You must use an argument within the shortcode to specify the post ID. You can also use arguments to display a featured image, post excerpt, and post title.
[post-list] – displays a list of posts within another post. It also supports optional arguments for customizing the list such as order options, post types/statuses to use, display images, excerpts, etc. You can even pull a list of posts from another blog, by adding the blog’s ID as an argument in the shortcode.
More: If want to display a list of attachments within a post, check out the List Attachments Shortcode plugin (by the same developer).
Shortcoder lets you create custom shortcodes via a visual editor. You can also store frequently used text, HTML, and JavaScript snippets. It has a tinyMCE button that you can use from the blog editor to insert shortcodes, thereby allowing you to add your own custom shortcodes.
More: If you’re looking for something similar, try out Shortcode Manager, which lets you create, manage, import and export shortcodes.