How to hide WordPress theme update notifications

WordPress has a built-in upgrade system. This system automatically informs you when there is an upgrade available for WordPress, or one of the themes or plugins that are installed on your WordPress installation.

 Also Read : How to Update WordPress Sites

To disable this update notification, there is no switch in the settings menu or anywhere else in the admin dashboard. To prevent WordPress from showing these information snippets on top of your WordPress dashboard, you shall need to add a PHP code snippet to your functions.php file.

Disable Update WordPress nags with Plugin’s and Theme’s Update Notifications 

To Disable Update WordPress nag

Insert the following code to the functions.php file of your active theme. It will remove the WordPress update nag e.g. WordPress 3.9.1 is available! Please update now, from the all users dashboard, admin dashboard & from the Updates page as well.

Nags are used to present a user with a one-time message which will persist until a user acknowledges the message. This can be used for providing notices like the site’s use of cookies, an important change to a site like a security breach.

Also Read: How to Install WordPress Plugins Manually

function remove_core_updates()
if(! current_user_can('update_core')){return;}
add_action('init', create_function('$a',"remove_action( 'init', 'wp_version_check' );"),2);

To Disable Plugin Update Notifications 

Insert the following code to the functions.php file of your active theme. It will remove the update notifications of all the installed plugins.


To Disable all the Nags & Notifications 

Insert the following code the functions.php file of your active theme. This code disables all the updates notifications regarding plugins, themes & WordPress completely.

function remove_core_updates(){
global $wp_version;return(object) array('last_checked'=> time(),'version_checked'=> $wp_version,);

Apart form these codes There are some WordPress plugins available to Disable WordPress Update Notifications & Nags

If you install & activate these plugins, you will have to keep yourself updated with the latest version of your active WordPress, plugins & themes so that your blog or website wont be susceptible to security vulnerabilities or performance issues. Just deactivate the plugin for short period of time & update yourself.

Also Read: How to Install WordPress Using cPanel

WordPress plugins to Disable Update WordPress nags with Plugin’s and Theme’s Update Notifications

Disable All WordPress Updates 

  • This plugin will disable all the update notifications of all the plugins & themes installed on your WordPress.
  • It will also disable the WordPress update nag e.g. WordPress 3.9.1 is available! Please update now, from the all users & admin dashboard including cronjobs, and prevents any notifications from being displayed.
  • It will remove all the update notifications from the Plugins page, dashboard & Updates page.

Disable WordPress Core Updates 

This plugin prevents WordPress from checking for core updates, and prevents any notifications from being displayed in the admin area. i.e. with the help of this plugin your dashboard will get rid of WordPress Update nags. It will remove all the update notifications from the Updates page as well.

Disable WordPress Plugin Updates

The plugin prevents WordPress from checking for plugin updates and prevents any notifications from being displayed on the Plugins page, dashboard & Updates page.

Disable WordPress Theme Updates

The plugin prevents WordPress from checking for plugin updates and prevents any notifications from being displayed on the Theme page, dashboard & Updates page.

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