iphone Interview Questions part-3

21-What is Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)?

ARC is a compiler-level feature that simplifies the process of managing the lifetimes of Objective-C objects. Instead of you having to remember when to retain or release an object, ARC evaluates the lifetime requirements of your objects and automatically inserts the appropriate method calls at compile time.

22-Multitasking support is available from which version?

iOS 4 and above supports multi-tasking and allows apps to remain in the background until they are launched again or until they are terminated.

23-How many bytes we can send to apple push notification server.


24-What is the difference between retain & assign?

Assign creates a reference from one object to another without increasing the source’s retain count.

if (_variable != object)


[_variable release];

_variable = nil;

_variable = object;


Retain creates a reference from one object to another and increases the retain count of the source object.

if (_variable != object)

{ [_variable release];

_variable = nil;

_variable = [object retain];


25-Why do we need to use @Synthesize?

We can use generated code like nonatomic, atmoic, retain without writing any lines of code. We also have getter and setter methods. To use this, you have 2 other ways: @synthesize or @dynamic: @synthesize, compiler will generate the getter and setter automatically for you, @dynamic: you have to write them yourself.@property is really good for memory management, for example: retain.How can you do retain without @property?

if (_variable != object)


[_variable release];

_variable = nil;

_variable = [object retain];


How can you use it with @property?self.variable = object;When we are calling the above line, we actually call the setter like [self setVariable:object] and then the generated setter will do its job

26-What is categories in iOS?

A Category is a feature of the Objective-C language that enables you to add methods (interface and implementation) to a class without having to make a subclass. There is no runtime difference—within the scope of your program—between the original methods of the class and the methods added by the category. The methods in the category become part of the class type and are inherited by all the class’s subclasses.As with delegation, categories are not a strict adaptation of the Decorator pattern, fulfilling the intent but taking a different path to implementing that intent. The behavior added by categories is a compile-time artifact, and is not something dynamically acquired. Moreover, categories do not encapsulate an instance of the class being extended.

27-What is Delegation in iOS?

Delegation is a design pattern in which one object sends messages to another object—specified as its delegate—to ask for input or to notify it that an event is occurring. Delegation is often used as an alternative to class inheritance to extend the functionality of reusable objects. For example, before a window changes size, it asks its delegate whether the new size is ok. The delegate replies to the window, telling it that the suggested size is acceptable or suggesting a better size. (For more details on window resizing, see thewindowWillResize:toSize: message.)Delegate methods are typically grouped into a protocol. A protocol is basically just a list of methods. The delegate protocol specifies all the messages an object might send to its delegate. If a class conforms to (or adopts) a protocol, it guarantees that it implements the required methods of a protocol. (Protocols may also include optional methods).In this application, the application object tells its delegate that the main startup routines have finished by sending it theapplicationDidFinishLaunching: message. The delegate is then able to perform additional tasks if it wants.

28-How can we achieve singleton pattern in iOS?

The Singleton design pattern ensures a class only has one instance, and provides a global point of access to it. The class keeps track of its sole instance and ensures that no other instance can be created. Singleton classes are appropriate for situations where it makes sense for a single object to provide access to a global resource.Several Cocoa framework classes are singletons. They include NSFileManager, NSWorkspace, NSApplication, and, in UIKit, UIApplication. A process is limited to one instance of these classes. When a client asks the class for an instance, it gets a shared instance, which is lazily created upon the first request.

29-What is delegate pattern in iOS?

Delegation is a mechanism by which a host object embeds a weak reference (weak in the sense that it’s a simple pointer reference, unretained) to another object—its delegate—and periodically sends messages to the delegate when it requires its input for a task. The host object is generally an “off-the-shelf” framework object (such as an NSWindow or NSXMLParserobject) that is seeking to accomplish something, but can only do so in a generic fashion. The delegate, which is almost always an instance of a custom class, acts in coordination with the host object, supplying program-specific behavior at certain points in the task (see Figure 4-3). Thus delegation makes it possible to modify or extend the behavior of another object without the need for subclassing.Refer: delegate pattern

30-What are all the difference between categories and subclasses?Why should we go to subclasses?

Category is a feature of the Objective-C language that enables you to add methods (interface and implementation) to a class without having to make a subclass. There is no runtime difference—within the scope of your program—between the original methods of the class and the methods added by the category. The methods in the category become part of the class type and are inherited by all the class’s subclasses.As with delegation, categories are not a strict adaptation of the Decorator pattern, fulfilling the intent but taking a different path to implementing that intent. The behavior added by categories is a compile-time artifact, and is not something dynamically acquired. Moreover, categories do not encapsulate an instance of the class being extended.The Cocoa frameworks define numerous categories, most of them informal protocols . Often they use categories to group related methods. You may implement categories in your code to extend classes without subclassing or to group related methods. However, you should be aware of these caveats:

  • You cannot add instance variables to the class.

If you override existing methods of the class, your application may behave unpredictably.

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