Swift Technical Interview Questions and Answers !

Question #1 – Swift 1.0 or later

What’s a better way to write this for loop with ranges?

for var i = 0; i < 5; i++


for _ in 0...4

Question #2 – Swift 1.0 or later

struct Tutorial {
var difficulty: Int = 1

var tutorial1 = Tutorial()
var tutorial2 = tutorial1
tutorial2.difficulty = 2

What’s the value of tutorial1.difficulty and tutorial2.difficulty?

tutorial1.difficulty is 1, whereas tutorial2.difficulty is 2.

Question #3 – Swift 1.0 or later

view1 is declared with var, and view2 is declared with let. What’s the difference here, and will the last line compile?
import UIKit

var view1 = UIView()
view1.alpha = 0.5

let view2 = UIView()
view2.alpha = 0.5 // Will this line compile?

view1 is a variable and can be re-assigned to a new instance of UIView. With let you can assign a value only once, so the following code doesn’t compile:
view2 = view1 // Error: view2 is immutable
However, UIView is a class with reference semantics, so you can mutate the properties of view2 (which means the last line will compile):
let view2 = UIView()
view2.alpha = 0.5 // Yes!

Question #4 – Swift 1.0 or later

This code sorts an array of names alphabetically and looks complicated. Simplify it and the closure as much as you can.
let animals = [“fish”, “cat”, “chicken”, “dog”]
let sortedAnimals = animals.sort { (one: String, two: String) -> Bool in
return one < two

1- let sortedAnimals = animals.sort { (one, two) -> Bool in return one < two }
2- let sortedAnimals = animals.sort { return $0 < $1 }
3- let sortedAnimals = animals.sort(<)
Question #5 – Swift 1.0 or later

This code creates two classes, Address and Person, and it creates two instances to represent Ray and Brian.

class Address {
var fullAddress: String
var city: String

init(fullAddress: String, city: String) {
self.fullAddress = fullAddress
self.city = city

class Person {
var name: String
var address: Address

init(name: String, address: Address) {
self.name = name
self.address = address

var headquarters = Address(fullAddress: "123 Tutorial Street", city: "Appletown")
var ray = Person(name: "Ray", address: headquarters)
var brian = Person(name: "Brian", address: headquarters)

Suppose Brian moves to the new building across the street, so you update his record like this:
brian.address.fullAddress = “148 Tutorial Street”
What’s going on here? What’s wrong with this?

Ray also moved to the new building! Address is a class and has reference semantics, so headquarters is the same instance, whether you access it via ray or brian. Changing the address of headquarters will change it for both. Can you imagine what would happen if Brian got Ray’s mail or vice versa? :]
The solution is to create a new Address to assign to Brian, or to declare Address as a struct instead of a class.

Source : Raywenderlich

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