| Difference between a class and a struct | OOPS | MyCodeTips | EP-65 |
| OOPS Overview | OOPS | MyCodeTips |
| Objects and classes |
| Class-based vs prototype-based |
| Dynamic dispatch/message passing |
| Data Abstraction |
| Encapsulation |
| Composition, inheritance, and delegation |
| Polymorphism |
| Open recursion |
| Inheritance and behavioral subtyping |
| Types of Inheritance in OOPS | OOPS | MyCodeTips | [ English ] |
| Gang of Four design patterns |
| Object-orientation and databases |
| Real-world modeling and relationships |
| Method and method passing |
| Pillars of OOPs |
| Compile-time polymorphism |
| Runtime polymorphism |
| loose coupling vs tight coupling |
| Class method vs Instance Method in objective-C |
| opaque type vs protocol vs associated type vs generics |
| What is TDD |